As opposed to previous ISMIR editions, all accepted papers will have BOTH AN ORAL AND A POSTER presentation.

The reason for this is to favour the visibility (oral presentations) of all accepted papers while keeping a large space for discussions between authors and audience (poster presentations). In order to achieve this, the duration of oral presentations will be reduced to 4 minutes and oral sessions will not have a slot for questions, which will be left for the interactions that will take place during the poster sessions.


Each day of the conference will have three sessions denoted by

  • A, B for the first day,
  • C, D for the second day,
  • E, F for the third day.

See the detailed planning at

Each session will have:

  • an oral presentation part ;
  • a poster presentation part.

Your paper will be assigned to one of the sessions A, B, C, D, E or F, which means that your oral and poster presentations will occur in the same session.

Oral part

  • During each oral presentation part, 18 papers will be presented.
  • During your oral presentation part, you will have a 4-minute time-slot to present your paper.
  • Papers will be presented one after the other without time for questions from the audience.
  • Because of the tight timing, there will be no room for delays during the presentation: you are strongly advised to rehearse and rehearse again to ensure that you can finish your presentation on time.

Sending the slides to the conference organisation

In order to avoid any delays related to (the classic) difficulties with connections to the projector, we need you to send us your slides in advance so we can have them ready for you to be projected using one of the conference computers.

  • No later than 1 day before your presentation, please send an email to the address ...presentation@...:
    • using {session_id} as the email subject;
    • attaching your presentation file, after ensuring that it is named following this pattern: {session_id}{paper_id}{family_name}.{ext}; where:
      • {session_id}: is the identifier of your presentation in the session (see, e.g., A-1, E-3, etc.;
      • {paper_id}: is the identifier of your paper received upon softconf submission;
      • {family_name}: is the family name of the first author of the paper;
      • {ext}: is the file extension, keeping in mind only the following file formats are allowed (on the conference computer) : pdf, MS Powerpoint (ppt, pptx), Apple Keynote (key), video formats that can be played by VLC ( Note that it is also possible to have your presentation files online (using Google slides or html5). In that case, include in the body of the email the URL of that presentation.
  • It is strongly recommended that you use one of the conference computers for your presentation. Two laptops will be available for you to use:
    • A Windows system with MS Office 2003, Adobe Acrobat Reader and VLC 3.0.4;
    • A MAC OS system with Keynote 6.6.1.

Testing your slides at the conference

  • You will get a chance to check that your presentation is working properly on the conference computer before the beginning of the first session in the morning or in the afternoon. Please take a look at the table below to know the time-slot for testing corresponding to your session.
  • Using one of the conference computers for your presentation will save you time! Be aware of the fact that during your session, we will start the 4-minute countdown as soon as you are on the stage: so if you spend 2 minutes plugging your computer and starting the full screen mode… you will only have 2 minutes left for your presentation! That would be a pity.
  • In any case, you will only be allowed to use your computer if you have a specific configuration and your presentation is not well rendered by the conference computer. This will be decided before the start of the session (more details below) with the session chair.

Poster part

  • The oral presentation part is directly followed by the poster presentation part.
  • Authors of the 18 papers assigned to a session are expected to be near their poster during this session.
  • Posters should be installed ideally before the beginning of the oral sessions (starting 1 hour before the sessions) or right after the oral session during the coffee break. Please take a look at the table below to know the time-slot for poster installation corresponding to your session.
  • All posters must use portrait orientation and be no larger than ISO A0 size or 36 x 48 inches. Posters can only be hung in Portrait format. There is no poster template.
  • A list of local poster printing services is provided below:
    • Graphirel Link Address: Chez publigraphie 92 rue bobillot 75013 Paris Phone:
    • Flash Print Link Address: 205 boulevard vincent auriol 75013 Paris Phone:
    • Fot Link Address: 55 rue brillat savarin 75013 Paris Phone:
    • Cloitre Imprimeurs Link Address: 36 rue de la Glacière 75013 Paris Phone:

When to test my slides and install my poster ?

Testing your oral presentation Installing your poster
Session A 07h30-08h30 07h30-08h30 or 10h30-11h00
Session B 12h30-13h30 12h30-13h30 or 16h00-16h30
Session C 07h30-09h00 08h00-09h00 or 10h30-11h00
Session D 12h30-13h30 12h30-13h30 or 16h00-16h30
Session E 08h00-09h00 08h00-09h00 or 10h30-11h00
Session F 12h30-13h30 12h30-13h30 or 16h00-16h30

In practice:

Let’s assume I’m John Doe and my paper (whose ID is 777) has been assigned to session E and has received the session ID E3 (third presentation in session E).

  • I prepare my slides for my 4-minute oral presentation scheduled in session-E-oral.
  • I also prepare a poster for session-E-poster.
  • Since session-E is Wednesday 2018/09/26 09:00 AM,
  • no later than Tuesday 2018/09/25 09:00 AM (one day before), I send my presentation file to the email-address ...presentation@...**, ensuring that the file is named E3_777_doe.pdf (assuming it’s a pdf file) and the subject is E3;
  • the conference organisation copies my slides to one of the conference computers (PC or MAC depending on the format);
  • I come 1 hour before the beginning of session E (i.e. 08:00 AM) to test my slides which are ready for me on the conference computer; if things go really wrong I’m allowed to use my computer, I have 2 minutes to test the connection of my computer to the video projector.
  • If I face difficulties and I can’t manage to be ready after 2 minutes I let the other presenters do their testing and when everyone has had the chance to do so, I can have some time to solve my specific issue.
  • Once I finished testing my presentation, I can go hang my poster so it’s ready for the poster part (right after the oral part). If I can’t manage to do it before the oral part, I take care of it right after the oral session (during the coffee break).
  • Before session-E-oral starts, I join the queue (first row of seats) of all authors that will present their papers in session-E.
  • I do my 4' oral presentation.

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